Validator System

The integrity and performance of the CAGA Network hinge significantly on the quality and reliability of its validators. As such, the selection and ongoing participation of validators are governed by stringent protocols designed to uphold the highest standards of network security and operational efficiency.

Selection Process

Validators on the CAGA Network are pre-approved through an automated system that assesses candidates against a set of rigorous criteria to ensure only the most qualified participants are chosen:

  • Moral and Ethical Standards: Candidates must demonstrate high moral and ethical standards, confirmed through comprehensive background checks.

  • Technical Expertise: Essential for the effective management and operation of the network, technical expertise ensures validators can handle complex network tasks and challenges.

  • Financial Commitment: Validators are expected to invest financially, which may include staking tokens as a security deposit. This financial stake aligns their interests with the network’s long-term success.

  • Public Identity Validation: The identity of each validator is thoroughly vetted and must be verifiable in the public domain, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Dynamic Participation

To accommodate network growth and fluctuating transaction volumes, CAGA implements a dynamic participation model for validators:

  • Scalable Validation Power: The network can adjust the number of active validators to maintain optimal efficiency and security as demands on the system change.

  • Automated Queue System: When the cap on validators is reached, a queue system ensures that new candidates can enter as positions become available, based on a first-come, first-served basis. This maintains a fluid and fair process for validator turnover and onboarding.

By integrating these processes, the CAGA Network ensures that its validators are not only equipped to perform their roles effectively but are also deeply invested in the network’s integrity and success. This comprehensive approach to validator management forms the backbone of our secure and resilient infrastructure.

Last updated