EVM Compatible Bridging


CAGA's strategic integration with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains marks a significant step towards expanded reach, enhanced interoperability, and a more interconnected user experience. This bridging capability breaks down barriers between blockchains, fostering greater collaboration and innovation within the decentralized landscape.


The core of CAGA's EVM-compatible bridging lies in the deployment of meticulously designed smart contracts on both the CAGA network and participating EVM chains. These smart contracts act as secure intermediaries, facilitating the seamless and trustworthy movement of assets across networks.

  • Asset Transfers (CAGA to EVM):

    1. Locking: Users initiate a transfer by sending tokens, such as USDC, to a designated smart contract on the CAGA network. This action effectively locks the original tokens.

    2. Verification: The CAGA smart contract verifies the locking transaction and relays the necessary information to the corresponding smart contract on the target EVM-compatible network.

    3. Minting: Upon verification, the receiving EVM smart contract triggers the minting of an equivalent amount of tokens on the target network, ensuring a 1:1 representation of the transferred asset.

  • Asset Transfers (EVM to CAGA):

    1. Burning: To transfer assets back to CAGA, the user initiates a burn transaction on the EVM network, effectively destroying the tokens on that chain.

    2. Confirmation: The EVM smart contract verifies the burn transaction and communicates this event to the CAGA network.

    3. Unlocking: Upon confirmation, the linked CAGA smart contract releases the originally locked tokens, restoring them to the user's CAGA wallet.


  • Enhanced Interoperability: EVM bridging empowers smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on the CAGA network to interact seamlessly with their counterparts on other EVM-compatible chains. This opens up avenues for cross-chain collaborations, composability, and the emergence of entirely new use cases.

  • Accessing the Ethereum Ecosystem: CAGA users can directly access and utilize the vast array of Ethereum-based assets, including tokens (ERC-20 and NFTs), decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, and a rich developer tooling ecosystem.

  • Scalability and Cost-Efficiency: By connecting with blockchains offering alternative scalability solutions or lower transaction costs, CAGA users can potentially benefit from faster transaction confirmation times and reduced fees.

  • Developer-Friendly Experience: EVM compatibility streamlines the process for developers familiar with Ethereum to port existing dApps to CAGA or build innovative new cross-chain applications. This attracts developer talent and accelerates the growth of the CAGA ecosystem.

Security Considerations

At CAGA, security is paramount. Here's how we prioritize safety in our EVM bridging solution:

  • Rigorous Audits: Our bridging smart contracts undergo thorough security audits by reputable third-party firms to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

  • Best Practices: We adhere to industry-standard security practices in contract development, minimizing the risk of exploits.

  • Risk Management: While bridging inherently carries some risk, we implement measures to mitigate those risks, such as insurance or emergency protocols in the event of unforeseen situations.

Supported EVM Networks & Implementations

CAGA currently supports seamless bridging with the following EVM-compatible networks:

  • Ethereum (Mainnet)

Compatibility is Key: CAGA's bridging mechanism relies on strict adherence to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) standards. To ensure interoperability, both CAGA and the connected network must be EVM-compatible.

Smart Contract Foundation: Our bridging solution utilizes rigorously audited smart contracts deployed on both the CAGA network and each participating EVM-compatible chain. These smart contracts act as the secure backbone for asset transfer, locking, minting, and burning tokens as needed.

Last updated