Welcome to the CAGA DEX Swap! Exchange your digital assets effortlessly with our user-friendly interface. Our guide will walk you through the process of swapping tokens on our decentralized exchange (DEX), which supports an array of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains.

Since our testnet for DEX operates on a different subdomain, you will need to reconnect your wallet upon accessing the DEX dApp again.

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

  1. Visit the CAGA Swap Website: Go to the CAGA DEX Swap Website.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: Find and click the "Connect Wallet" button, typically located in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Select Your Wallet: Choose the wallet you wish to connect from the provided list of supported wallets. CAGA Swap supports a wide range of wallets, similar to other decentralized exchanges.

  4. Approve Connection: Follow your wallet's prompts to approve its connection to CAGA Swap.

Step 2: Choose the Tokens You Want to Swap

  1. Select the Input Token: Click on the "From" field and select the cryptocurrency you want to swap. The multichain functionality is integrated, so there's no need to worry about selecting the correct network.

  1. Select the Output Token: Click on the "To" field and choose the cryptocurrency you wish to receive.

Step 3: Enter Swap Amount

  1. Input the Amount: Type in the amount of the input token you wish to swap. CAGA Swap will automatically show the equivalent amount of the output token based on the current market rates.

  2. Review Swap Details: Take a moment to look over the swap details, including the exchange rate, fees, and estimated delivery time.

Step 4: Confirm the Swap

  1. Initiate the Swap: Click the "Swap" button when you're ready.

  2. Confirm in Wallet: Your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction, showing the required gas fee. Review and accept the fees to continue.

  3. Wait for Confirmation: The swap will be executed on the blockchain and may take a few moments to complete. You'll be notified once the transaction is confirmed, and the swapped tokens will be added to your wallet.

Integrated Multichain Functionality

  • No Hassle of Network Switching: Our interface seamlessly manages trading across all EVM-compatible chains.

  • Unified Trading Experience: Enjoy trading with pooled liquidity from multiple networks in one place.

By following these instructions, you'll be able to engage with CAGA Swap's multichain features and enjoy a seamless trading experience across diverse blockchains.

Last updated