
How to vote?

Platform users or community members will need to stake $CAGA tokens to vote on any proposal and the staked token will be locked until the voting period ends. The voting power (VP) is 0.01 to the amount of CAGA staked. Simply put, the more CAGA you stake, the more your voting power and the louder your voice in the DAO.

Simply put:

VP Earned=Staked CAGA×0.01(per 24 hours)\text{VP Earned} = \text{Staked CAGA} \times 0.01 \quad (\text{per 24 hours})

So, an early stakeholder with 100 CAGA tokens will have more voting power than someone who recently staked their 100 CAGA tokens. Simply because our VP is assigned daily in real-time.

It is important to mention that all votes are welcome and there is no minimum voting power required to participate in the voting process. This help to ensure that every stakeholder, big or small, has a voice in the direction of the DAO.

The following are the steps to take to participate in voting:

  1. First you need to navigate to the official CAGA DAO governance page.

  2. Connect your wallet (CAGA wallet, Metamast or any supported wallet). Upon connecting your wallet, you will be able to check your voting power.

  3. Next, browse and review active proposals and cast your vote. The process is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly to encourage maximum participation. If you decide to support the proposal, click on the ‘FOR’ button and if you are against the proposal, click the ‘AGAINST’ button.

  4. Upon casting your vote, it will be recorded and reflected in the proposal’s vote tally. Once you've voted, the vote is final and will be deducted from your total voting power.

The DAO provides a transparent view of the voting status and outcome, allowing everyone to see the collective decision. This transparency help to foster trust, accountability, and collective learning.

Important Points to Note about Voting and Voting Power

  1. User’s voting power expires every 365 days and every additional new voting power assigned have the same validity period.

  2. Once a voting power is used, it cannot be retracted even if the proposal did not go through and no voting power will be refunded.

  3. Voting cycle is 30 days and it starts counting after a proposal is submitted. In the event where the quorum is not met, even after the voting cycle, no extensions will be allowed. All community members are advised to exercise their rights before the voting period ends.

In the CAGA DAO, every proposal, every vote, and every discussion is a step towards a decentralized and community-driven future. As you stake, propose, and vote, you’re not just interacting with a protocol; you’re engaging with a community, contributing to a collective vision, and shaping the future of decentralized governance. CAGA DAO is more than a technical protocol. it's a social contract, a pledge of trust, transparency, and collective decision-making.

Last updated